The government in Mexico has finally released their new passport allowing non-binary citizens to identify as their true selves. This is an incredible step forward to ensure that non-binary people will have the same opportunity and freedom to mark their correct gender identity on their passports.

Mexican Government introduces new gender marker on passports

In May 2023, the Mexican government issued their first ever passport with a new gender marker for non-binary people. Foreign minister Marcelo Ebrard made the announcement on International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT).

On the same day, Mexican activist Ociel Baena became the first person to obtain a passport with the non-binary gender marker. Ebrard stated that ‘all rights must be guaranteed for all identities’. While many fear change, the truth is that diversity enriches our society, making it a more welcoming place for all. We need diversity to flourish as a community.

Non-binary people in Mexico will no longer have to conform to the gender binary. Instead of having to check the male or female boxes, citizens can now choose the gender marker ‘X’.

However, many non-binary activists criticised the Mexican Government for its lack of differentiation between gender identity and sex. Activist Alex Orue also questioned whether non-binary people were actually involved in the process of the new policy. They argued it would have been better for passports to include the option ‘NB’.

Recognising Non-Binary People

Nevertheless, Mexico’s decision was praised for its inclusion of non-binary people in their passports. There are only one of 16 countries worldwide that legally recognise non-binary identities. A few countries, including Spain, recognise the gender marker ‘X’ only for intersex people.

This is a call to action to all countries in the world who still refuse or outright reject the existence of non-binary people. Take notes and do better. Non-binary individuals have existed since the beginning of time and are not going anywhere! Recognising their identities is the first step towards equality for all.